The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, under whose auspices Bais Chana was founded and for whose mother, Rebbetzin Chana, the yeshiva was named, gave many blessings to Bais Chana.
The first blessing Bais Chana received
24th of Tammuz, 5760 (July 1990)
[The news of Bais Chana of California Women’s Yeshiva’s first program] was gratefully received and should be a continued endeavor and with an increase. The time is auspicious and the rabbis give strength with their blessing that “all who add are added to.” Special strength and additional measure is given by the blessing of the Holy One Blessed Be He. And the time is auspicious as the Torah determines that these days “will be for rejoicing and happiness and good holidays,” as brought in the end of Tosefta Taanit and in the Rambam on it. I will mention this at the Tziyun.
It is only with the Rebbe's continual blessings that Bais Chana of California has been able to succeed in its work