Bais Chana is promoting the Unity Torah so every soldier can own one letter in this Torah at any price.
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With your purchase, soldiers will own a letter in the Unity Torah which is being written for the IDF soldiers! Each soldier can own one letter. The amount of payment is up to you. You can purchase for as many soldiers as you wish with the donate button. You may purchase letters for soldiers who you do not know personally or do not have their names and we will match a name to your donation. Send as many names of soldiers as you want to:
[email protected]
Letters can be acquired with any amount.
Credit card and payment options through donate button above.
Zelle or PayPal: [email protected]
Bit: 0544289367
Check payable to: BAIS CHANA
PO Box 480770, LA CA 90048, USA
For inquiries email [email protected]
This campaign to purchase a letter in a unity Torah was introduced with urgency by the Lubavitcher Rebbe before the IDF destroyed the nuclear reactor in Iraq over 40 years ago, saying it would prevent tragedies. The Rebbe urged this campaign also during the Lebanon war in 1982 for the protection of the IDF and security personnel.
Sofer Avrohom Dovid Wolffe, www.KOSHERSOFER.com is presently writing a Torah in 2024 in Los Angeles for the merit, success, and speedy return of IDF soldiers and Jewish military personnel in the US army. The unique aspect of this Torah is that each soldier owns a letter not just has the merit of a letter being written.
This is a purchase so that the soldiers have the merit of owning a part of the Torah Scroll which unites them as one "like one person with one heart". The Torah is a source of blessings, and it gives stability and protection to the world. The Lubavitcher Rebbe requested and urged to have utmost urgency to acquire letters in a Unity Sefer Torah as a protective measure during times of great hardship. The Rebbe said in 1982 that if all soldiers had purchased a letter in a Torah, then tragedies could have been prevented! Please send Hebrew names along with the mother's Hebrew name, when possible.
Purchase letters for soldiers with the donate button above or with link below:
You may request a tax-deductible receipt from Bais Chana, a 501c3 non-profit organization, by email at: [email protected].
May we hear good news and may we have peace and security in the world!
Yehudit Wolffe
Founder, Bais Chana
Bais Chana meets the spiritual needs of Jewish women. Dedicated to the sanctity of meaningful Jewish life, Bais Chana is known for providing mentorship, relevant and life changing Chassidus classes on You Tube, Zoom, and live.
Know you're value.
Prophecy in our times and the Prophecy of Moshiach!
Free Choice
Lubavitcher Rebbe talks about payment to people who are working to make the world a good place
Our soul comes from above time and space and we can change the world by asking for what we want now.
Living with an abundance mindset and our soul's past present and future purpose, bringing calm.
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Daily Monday through Friday Gaining a Geulah mindset from the Lubavitcher Rebbe's writings 1990-1992 With Yehudit Wolffe 7:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time 10:30 A.M. Eastern Time 5:30 P.M. Israel Time Zoom 9315588558 Passcode BAISCHANA FOR RECORDINGS: See You Tube @Bais Chana 5291 Monthly class Sundays 10 am PST
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